
777 casinoI put my cellphone back in my pocket as I disembarked from the cruiser, my heart pounding in a curious mix of apprehension and excitement. It’s been ten years since Gina and I last met at 777 Casino. We’ve slowly drifted apart since then, carrying on with our lives and barely contacting each other.


The two of us were good friends in high school and up to our college graduation. By then, she had gotten a boyfriend—whom I didn’t get along with too well, so we seldom met up then. Once in a while, though, she’d invite me for drinks or a game at 777 Casino, which became our usual spot to meet in.


After a few months, though, she and her boyfriend, Allan, went through a rough patch. Gina moved out from the apartment she and Allan were sharing. She and I went out for drinks then, and I consoled her and listened to her bitter tales about what was going on between them.


I held some feelings for Gina, unrequited until then. Must have been the drinks, but I let some of those feelings slip that night. At first, she laughed it off, but after a while, she saw I was serious.


The night of drinks at 777 Casino ended in uncomfortable silence.


A few weeks after that, Gina and Allan were able to settle their differences, and Gina moved back in Allan’s apartment. I, on the other hand, had to move back to the country. My grandfather, who practically raised me after my mom and dad left me, had fallen ill. He needed someone to nurse him back to better health, and remembering that I took a nursing degree, my cousin contacted me. I was more than happy to oblige.


And now, we’re about to meet again. And where better than at 777 Casino? Sure, our last meeting there ended in disaster, but a good number of the memories we made, we made there.


It was just past 4pm as I entered 777 Casino, looking for Gina. But when I found her, as usual, she was already nursing a drink. Turns out, it was already her third glass.


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Gina is now a single mom and, in her words, a proud one. Her daughter, Sheryl, was about to turn ten. At the moment, her fiance Colin was taking care of their daughter. She promised to let me meet the two sometime after.


We spent the rest of the evening rekindling our friendship at 777 Casino.

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